Friday, June 6, 2014

Hi there

So... I have a blog.  This is new.

I was encouraged to start this after what was apparently an insightful and humorous overview of the standard Curious George plot.  Should you have missed this supposed gem of literary critique, I'll make sure to repost it here at some point.

Two people saying it counts as "encouraged", right?

Anyways, I'm not entirely sure what I'll write about here.  Odds are it'll be a variety of things: scathing literary critiques of beloved children's books (apparently the aforementioned Curious George review "ruined" it for one person, so I'm off to a good start, I guess), random poetry about grammar... Actually, there will probably be lots of things about language on here.  I like language.  Words, and grammar, and whatnot.  It's fun.  Hence the title of the blog.  Well, sort of, anyways.

I'll also probably post random things my son, Kieran, does.  He's three, so he does lots of funny stuff. It's just his idiom.  I may also post about my beautiful and wonderful wife, Emily, but know that if I do so, it will of course be with humorous exaggeration for effect.  How could it be otherwise?

I'll also probably dip into some serious stuff, especially with regards to parenting.  I'll probably stay away from politics and economics and stuff like that.  Partly, that's because I don't want to drive any readership away.  But also, this is tied to my real name, and I like my current job, as well as any job I may have in the future.  And finally, I feel like I'd just be parroting those who know more than I do.

In fact, that's probably my biggest concern here: how do I add something new?  So much of these topics is already covered by people who can do such a great job; how do I add value on top of that?  I guess we'll just see what happens, eh?

Warning one:  I have no set posting schedule in mind.  I'm just about done with grad school for the year, so I can probably update fairly regularly until September.  But then there's football, and then school starts back up again, so you probably won't see me again until January.  And as I said before, I have no real planned content, so I may just have nothing to say.  You've been warned.

Warning two:  As you may have noticed, I tend to be rather verbose.  It is not likely that there will be many short posts on here.  Caveat lector.

So, there you have it.  This is my blog.  There's no clear purpose, no set update schedule, and no promise of value (again, see the title of the blog).  But at least I know how to use the rule of threes when writing, so that's something, right?

If you're still with me to here, I salute you.  We're off to a good start.

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